If a Basingstoke resident why not Join us? - We need your support
Help us by joining the Basingstoke Heritage Society today.
Annual subscription - £5.00 per person, or £6 for a household of more than one named person -
under 18s and full time students FREE.
Additional voluntary contributions are always gratefully received
Membership Benefits:
Quarterly Newsletter
Occasional free talks, walks and visits to places of local interest
Opportunity Freedom to attend the Society’s monthly Business Meetings & make views known.
Opportunity to contribute to submissions on issues of concern
Support the protection of your locality from inappropriate development
Complete a Membership Application Form which you can download here or pick up a form contained in one of our leaflets available from the Discovery Centre or the Willis Museum
Or alternatively fill out and submit the form below. On receipt of this we will send to your email address details to enable you pay by bank transfer, once only or an annual mandate: